Monday, November 20, 2006

Shepard Fairey: Rise Above

Study in Propoganda Shepard Fairey... Study in Propoganda. From the exhibition Shepard Fairey: Rise Above at Merry Karnowsky Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. "...In Shepard Fairey’s newest exhibition titled Rise Above the artist continues a highly charged visual discourse that attempts to reveal and skewer abuses of power, governmental hypocrisy, and loss of civil liberties. Inspired by one of Fairey’s favorite punk bands, Black Flag, the title refers to lyrics that call for people who are dissatisfied with the system to rise above the problems to provoke change, or work outside of it. 'Jealous cowards try to control... rise above, we're gonna rise above.' Peace advocacy and the questioning of power and authority are dominant themes."


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