Sunday, May 25, 2008

Les Krims: Pictures in the Age of the Culture Wars

Les Krims... Nude With Cardboard Lightning Bolt (1970). From Les Krims: Pictures in the Age of the Culture Wars at Zone Zero. "...For a time in the States, growing criticism of liberal culture’s strident agenda offered signs that the left was quivering, getting grayer, loosing its grip, starting to shrink, beginning to molder & leak. For example, Jacques Derrida's death, on October 8, 2004, provoked an astounding revisionist article: 'The Theory of Everything, R.I.P.,' by Emily Eakin, published in The New York Times (October 17, 2004). Several of Derrida’s contemporaries and acolytes admitted to Ms. Eakin, that they had hoped and believed their 'theories' would foster a Marxist revolution in the West (amazing!)." More Works by Les Krims at his personal site.