Monday, December 21, 2009

Monkeys' Moon & Pool Films

Monkeys' Moon & Pool Films Monkeys' Moon & Pool Films. "...Pool Films resulted from the creative collaboration of writers Kenneth Macpherson and Bryher (Annie Winifred Ellerman) and Imagist poet H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). Funded by Bryher’s inheritance from a vast family fortune, their projects were fueled by the principals’ interest in film and artistic experimentation. The three were invested in developing a context in which the young medium of film might be viewed as a fine art as well as interact with other verbal and visual art forms. The Pool Films productions, which were directed by Macpherson and often featured H. D. and Bryher as actors, experimented with narrative forms and explored the use of dramatic lighting and effects such as montage to represent emotional and psychological states. Pool Films made several short films—Monkeys' Moon, Foot Hills and Wing Beat—using montage, double or triple exposure, and other experimental techniques to represent interior experiences and impressions.
Monkeys' Moon, a silent film featuring two of Macpherson's and Bryher’s pet monkeys, was thought to be lost until the Beinecke Library acquired a copy in 2008. Some eighty years later, this six minute film has been fully restored and digitized."


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