Sunday, March 14, 2010

Abusing Power: Satirical Journals from the Special Collections Library | Cedric Chatterley: Photographs of Honeyboy Edwards, 1991-1996

Abusing Power: Satirical Journals from the Special Collections Library at Duke University. "...Duke University Libraries collection of satirical magazines offers a panorama of international journalistic caricature from its origins in the 1830s to the present day. This show surveys the spectrum of comic journalism, examining the visual languages of graphic satire, and investigating its rhetorical power. Also... Cedric Chatterley: Photographs of Honeyboy Edwards, 1991-1996. "...Touring with Honeyboy in the 1990s, and also traveling alone with his life’s story in hand, were formative times for me as an image maker. But as much as it was an honor for me to contribute to a book about his life, the more important knowledge I have now is thinking of him as my mentor. From him I learned that there is a rhythm, a cadence, and a particular way in which time and sight and sound and memory—expressed and unexpressed—are inseparable when they come together to shape an image, whether that image is delivered in the form of a song, photograph, or any other form of expression."


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